Measurement of Women’s Economic Empowerment – WOW (2020)

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2020, WOW – 54 pages

This Guidance Note identifies core indicators, principles, and recommendations for effective, consistent measurement of WEE. It includes a recognition that there is no universal set of indicators that will be appropriate for every project, in every sector and every context. To provide effective measurement and avoid negative unintended impacts, selection of indicators must follow on from a robust context-specific gender analysis to guide decision making about the measurable outcomes the programme is aiming to achieve. Principles for effective WEE measurement within economic development programming include:

  • Build programmes on strong context-specific gender analysis.
  • Develop a causal chain (logframe) and theory of change that is informed by an understanding of the context and previous experience with the same or similar interventions in similar settings.
  • Measure what matters to diverse women and girls and disaggregate measures accordingly.
  • Measure both economic and social outcomes.
  • Measure change at individual and household levels.
  • Measure access, control, and constraints.
  • Consider – and measure – risks and unintended effects.
  • Data collection choices matter.

Measuring WEE: A Compendium of Selected Tools – CGD (2020)

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2020, CGD – 120 pages

This compendium selects and reviews tools for measuring WEE (or disempowerment) grouped into 20 population monitoring tools and 15 monitoring and evaluation tools (M&E). The main objective is practical: helping readers both understand how different measurement tools are built and select among the most well-known and widely (cross-culturally) applicable tools for different purposes. The following basic questions help readers select which WEE measurement tool is a “good fit for your purpose”:

  • What is your desired objective? (Population monitoring or M&E)
  • What is your substantive focus? (e.g., gender equality, women’s legal rights, women’s empowerment in agriculture)
  • What specific dimensions of WEE interest you? (e.g., financial inclusion, land rights)
  • What population of women are you seeking to learn about? (Women globally, women entrepreneurs, women in Africa)

What level(s) of outcomes — direct, intermediate and/or final — interest you?

Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment in Private Sector Development: Guidelines for practitioners – DCED (2014)

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2014, DCED – 60 pages

This guideline provides suggestions on the measurement of WEE in private sector development (PSD) programmes, including the measurement of household results. It aims to:

  • Provide practical advice to practitioners seeking to measure WEE in PSD programming;
  • Document how to make each aspect of results measurement more gender-responsive;
  • Highlight important issues in results measurement for practitioners focused on WEE, paying particular attention to measuring household-level changes.