This page compiles analyses of socioeconomic impacts and national crisis responses in developing countries of relevance to PSD programmes.
- International firms and Covid-19: Evidence from a global survey, Floriana Borino et al, in COVID Economics, Issue 75, April 2021
- COVID-19: Implications for businesses, McKinsey, (updated regularly)
- The Early Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19 in Developing Countries: Evidence from high-frequency phone surveys, World Bank Group, January 2021
- Impacts of COVID-19 on the Private Sector in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, IFC, November 2020
- Impact of covid-19 pandemic on trade and development, UNCTAD, November 2020
- A global survey of enterprises: Managing the business disruptions of COVID-19, ILO, November 2020.
- Resource Compendium on Promoting Intersectional COVID-19 Response Efforts in International Development, SEEP 2021
- From Insights to Action: Gender equality in the wake of COVID-19, UN Women, September 2020
- A Feminist Foreign Policy Response to COVID-19, The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, July 2020
- WEE during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review of impacts and responses for economic relief and recovery, WOW, June 2020
- IANWGE compendium on integrating gender considerations in the response to COVID-19: Key messages and actions from UN entities, IANWGE, June 2020
- ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work, ILO, January 2021
- 2020 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean, ILO, December 2020
- Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2020: Navigating the crisis towards a human-centred future of work, ILO, December 2020
- Tackling the COVID-19 Youth Employment Crisis in Asia and the Pacific, ILO, August 2020
- COVID-19 and the world of work. Fifth edition, ILO, June 2020
Workers in global supply chains
- The supply chain ripple effect: How COVID-19 is affecting garment workers and factories in Asia and the Pacific, ILO, October, 2020
- What next for Asian garment production after COVID-19? The perspectives of industry stakeholders, ILO, September 2020
- The effects of COVID-19 on trade and global supply chains, ILO, June 2020
- Liveblog: How the Coronavirus influences garment workers in supply chains, Clean Clothes Campaign
Informal and rural labour
- COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study: Global findings, WIEGO, July 2021
- Blame COVID-19? But blame informality too (or maybe more), World Bank Blogs, December 2020
- Building Back Better: COVID-19 and informal workers in Indonesia, LSE Blogs, December 2020
- Informal Workers and the Social Protection Response to COVID-19: Who got relief? How? And did it make a difference? WIEGO, December 2020
- Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on migrant workers in the informal sector and spin-off effects in their destination and home countries, G20, November 2020
- SME Competitiveness Outlook: The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small Business, ITC, June 2020
- COVID-19 Response and Resources, ANDE, 2020
- COVID-19 SME resilience knowledge portal, ILO, 2020
Country studies
- Country-based Assessments Regarding the Consequences of the COVID-19 Crises on Agri-value Chains and Market Systems for Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, VCB-N, December 2020
- Rapid Country Assessment: South Africa – the impacts from a COVID-19 shock to South Africa’s economy and labour market, ILO, August 2020
- COVID-19 and the World of Work Rapid Assessment: Montenegro, ILO, June 2020
- Pacific Business Monitor, Pacific Trade and Invest, 2020
- Sierra Leone COVID-19 dashboard, IGC, 2020
Sector studies
- Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 on the Garment Sector, ILO, November 2020
- Social Protection and Jobs Responses to COVID-19: A Real-Time Review of Country Measures, Gentilini et al, frequently updated
- COVID-19 and the world of work: Country policy responses, ILO, September 2020
- Trade and trade-related measures in Africa, tralac Trade Law Centre, September 2020
- Policy responses to COVID-19. Country tracker, IMF, August 2020
- COVID-19 and employment. Insights from the Sub-Saharan experience, UNU-WIDER, July 2020 (focus on Ghana)
Photo credits: Rokok Indonesia/; wikimedia; USAID/DRC