- “I’m presently on a mission and we are dealing with establishing a trust fund in the financial sector. Can you refer me to someone who knows the background story behind the establishment of the financial sector deepening trust (FSDT)? I’m particularly interested in the considerations that went into the selection of the founding institutions and the governance structure that was established on that basis.”
- “We will be organising again the private sector in development training in our HQ at least for our colleagues, maybe also for outsiders, we haven’t decided yet. Are you available to facilitate all sessions, and lead on a couple of them?”
- “We will be having a session for some of our centrally managed programmes and resource centres to present their “offer” to others. This is to replace the market place session we would have had at the conference. Would you come and present what the DCED offers?”
- “Attached is a draft TOR for enhancing private sector development in country X. I welcome any and all suggestions. I’ve shared with colleagues for feedback as well and will continue to refine.”
- “I have recently started a new post working on inclusive business – I note that there is a significant section on this on the DCED site and was wondering if there is someone within your organisation who I might speak to on this subject to get an insight into the debate and possible donor approaches?”
- “We observe that more and more donors move from giving grants to conditional loans, and we are trying to stimulate an internal debate on this. I am therefore looking for relevant arguments for and against each instrument. Do you know about such arguments, or can you refer me to someone who does?”
Technical helpline for members
One of the key advantages of DCED membership is the privileged access that it gives to the Secretariat’s skills, knowledge and experience. On top of the information listed publicly on this website, members are also invited to ask directly for help and advice on specific subjects. You can contact the DCED coordinator directly here.
Please see below for examples of questions that the DCED Secretariat have received from member organisations.