- Agency PSD Strategies
- Argidius Foundation
- Gatsby Africa
- Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
- Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO
- Austrian Development Cooperation
- Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Luxembourg Development Cooperation
- Global Affairs Canada
- European Commission
- Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- International Trade Centre (ITC)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Mastercard Foundation
- Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
- UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD
- United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
- Cookies
- DCED Research and Evidence Update – August 2019: Special Feature on Women’s Economic Empowerment
- DCED Synthesis Notes and Summaries
- DCED-BEAM Seminar, Nairobi, February 2018
- Digitalisation and PSD
- En español
- En français
- Introduction to the DCED
- Annual meetings
- #17365 (no title)
- DCED 2024 Annual Meeting: Key Take-Aways from the Thematic Day on The Future of PSD at the Nexus of Green and Digital Transformations
- DCED 35th Annual Meeting
- DCED 36th Annual Meeting
- DCED 37th Annual Meeting
- DCED 38th Annual Meeting, June 2016, Sweden
- DCED 39th Annual Meeting, June 2017, Rome
- DCED 40th Annual Meeting, June 2018, Toronto
- DCED 44th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, UK, June 2022
- DCED Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2023
- DCED Annual Meeting, June 2019, Vienna
- DCED Annual Meeting, June 2020
- DCED Annual Meeting, June 2021
- DCED Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 3-6 June 2024
- Annual meetings
- Private Sector Development and COVID-19
- WEE Gateway
- Alliances Programme Georgia 2008-2021
- Case Studies
- Employment vs entrepreneurship
- Gender equality vs equity
- How to measure WEE-related systemic change related to gender transformative programming?
- Introducing women’s economic empowerment
- Regional Economic Empowerment of Women Project, Lebanon 2010 – 2014
- Resources Library
- Scaling the Financial Inclusion Pyramid in Egypt
- Tips for including men in Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Waka Mere: Advancing Workplace Gender Equality
- Where should you start?
- Working towards gender transformative programming
- Women’s Economic Empowerment Webinar Library
- FCDO PSD Technical Competency Framework
- FCDO PSD Technical Competency Framework: Reading List PSD1
- FCDO PSD Technical Competency Framework: Reading List PSD2
- FCDO PSD Technical Competency Framework: Reading List PSD4
- FCDO PSD Technical Competency Framework: Reading List PSD5
- Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
- Vacancies, training courses & events in PSD
- Guidelines for implementing the Standard
- What works and why
- Evidence framework
- Access to products and services enhances productivity and revenues
- Behavioural changes or increased investment by donor-supported companies leads to new firms being started or registered
- Business Environment Reform changes firms’ behaviour
- Business Environment Reform leads to increased turnover or profits
- Business Environment Reform leads to new firms being started or registered
- Changes in firm behaviour or investment lead to better or cheaper products or services for the poor
- Changes in firms’ behaviour and rates of investment lead to economic growth
- Comparing the DCED Evidence Framework and BEAM Exchange Evidence Map
- Donor support to partner companies changes their behaviour
- Firm creation and registration lead to higher productivity/ revenues
- Firm investment or behaviour changes leads to new companies starting up
- Firms change behaviour then increase productivity/ revenues
- Firms change behaviour when market failures have been addressed
- Firms changing behaviour leads to higher productivity/ revenues
- Firms start up when donors address market failures
- Growth raises income for the poor
- Higher firm productivity leads to higher profitability
- Improved/ cheaper access to products and services increases welfare of the poor
- Increased firm turnover and/or profits create economic growth
- Increased productivity / revenues lead to increased employment
- Increased productivity creates economic growth
- Increased productivity/ revenue leads to poverty reduction
- Job creation leads to poverty reduction
- Link between economic growth and employment
- When new firms are created or registered, more people are employed
- Why Business Environment Reform
- Why Market Development
- Why Public-Private Partnerships
- Evaluations of agencies’ PSD work
- Impact stories
- Evidence framework
- Private Sector Development
- Inclusive Business
- Increasing opportunities for refugees
- Private Sector Engagement
- Value Chain Development
- Market systems and people in poverty
- Employment creation
- Industrial Policy
- Women’s Economic Empowerment
- LED, Cities and Clusters
- Business Environment Reform
- Small Enterprise Development
- Green Growth
- PSD in fragile and conflict-affected environments
- Youth employment
- Introduction to the DCED Standard
- 2016 Global Seminar on Results Measurement
- Sample Size Calculator
- Introduction to the DCED Standard
- Map of projects applying the DCED Standard
- Case Studies and Examples
- Toolkit for implementing the Standard
- Consultancy support
- Auditing the results measurement system
- Other results measurement resources
- Introduction to the DCED
- Organisational structure
- ExCo
- Working Groups
- Overview of the Business Environment Working Group (BEWG)
- Overview of the Green Growth Working Group
- Overview of the Market Systems Development (MSD) Working Group
- Overview of the Private Sector Engagement Working Group
- Overview of the Results Measurement Working Group (RMWG)
- Overview of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group (WEEWG)
- DCED Secretariat
- DCED guidance
- Why and how to join DCED
- Technical helpline for members
- Contact us
- Site map
- Privacy and Accessibility