Women’s Economic Empowerment Webinar Library

This page brings together a selection of high-quality webinars from a range of sources to provide a learning hub on women’s economic empowerment (WEE). The webinars cover many different aspects of WEE and to help easily identify which webinar is best for you, the following key is used:

Introductory:  indicates a webinar provides a clear, scene-setting introduction to the topic

Case studies: indicates a webinar discusses the design and impact of one or more WEE programmes

Practical: indicates a webinar contains practical guidance for designing or implementing a WEE programme

For more resources on WEE, check out the link to the corresponding section of our WEE Knowledge Page given beneath each set of webinars.

Making the economic and business case for WEE

Working with the private sector to empower women - how to build the business case for change

Working with the private sector to empower women: How to build the business case for change, SEEP, 2019

This webinar walks through the process of developing a business case for women’s empowerment.


WEE - the inclusive business case

Women’s economic empowerment: The (inclusive) business case, Business Call to Action, 2018

This webinar explores the business case for the private sector to actively engage women, and the role for business to promote and support WEE.


Constraints and opportunities for WEE in different sectors and contexts

Agriculture and fisheries

Gender and fisheries - a sea of opportunities

Gender and fisheries: A sea of opportunities, AGENT, 2019

This webinar looks at why gender matters for improved fisheries management.

Overcoming gender barriers to accessing and using climate information services

Overcoming gender barriers to accessing and using climate information services, Agrilinks, 2018

This webinar discusses the effects of gender-related differences in climate information needs, access and use on adaptation responses and resilience.

Transforming gender inequality through inclusive dairy value chain development

Transforming gender inequality through inclusive dairy value chain development, SEEP, 2017

This webinar shares insights on the status of gender inequality in a dairy-based market system and strategies to make it gender inclusive.

Beyond production - innovation and opportunity for WEE in agricultural market systems

Beyond production: Innovation and opportunity for women’s economic empowerment in agricultural market systems, SEEP, 2017

This webinar shares lessons learned from projects that aim to empower women in non-production agricultural roles.

Women water and farming

Women, water, and farming, ODI, 2016

This webinar discusses how gender differences can put women at greater risk of climate hazards, and how to redress the balance.

Energy and urban services

Gender and urban services

Gender and urban services: Access, decision making, and economic empowerment, AGENT, 2019

This webinar introduces gender-related issues in delivery and use of urban services, and highlights interventions that increase WEE.

The gender and energy nexus in urban settings

The gender and energy nexus in urban settings, AGENT, 2018

This webinar discusses how to make urban energy policies gender aware.

Gender implications for energy infrastructure

Gender implications for energy infrastructure, AGENT, 2018

This webinar looks at the gender considerations around large-scale energy infrastructure projects, and highlights good practices in the sector.

Girls and young women

Workforce development programming - economic strengthening and adolescent girls

Workforce development programming: Economic strengthening and adolescent girls, SEEP, 2015

This webinar shares insights from programmes that aim to engage girls in economic and financial activity.

Stronger interventions through evidence - Population Council's work with adolescent girls

Stronger interventions through evidence: Population Council’s work with adolescent girls, SEEP, 2014

This webinar discusses examples of research helping design effective interventions for empowering girls.

Integrating gender and WEE in different PSD approaches

WEE and the business environment

Gender and Business Environment Reform

Gender and Business Environment Reform, DCED, 2020

This webinar presents highlights from the 2020 Women, Business and the Law report, and discusses the importance of women’s property rights.

WEE and market systems development

Building market systems to empower women in fragile and conflict-affected states

Building market systems to empower women in fragile and conflict-affected states, SEEP, 2019

This webinar explores how practitioners can adapt their approach to women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected states.

Women's empowerment and market systems

Women’s economic empowerment through market systems approaches, BEAM Exchange, 2016

This webinar presents an updated women’s empowerment and market systems framework.

WEE in inclusive market systems development

The theory behind the approach: Women’s economic empowerment in inclusive market systems development, SEEP, 2015

This webinar introduces the elements of empowerment, types of interventions, and underlying rules that sit within WEE in market systems.

Pathways to market inclusion for women

Pathways to market inclusion for women: Experience in gender-sensitive push/pull strategies from CARE and ACDI/VOCA, SEEP, 2014

This webinar features the use of a push/pull framework in projects designed to empower rural women by improving their access to markets.

Preventing and responding to gender-based violence

Market systems approaches - how to tackle violence against women and girls

How to tackle violence against women and girls, BEAM Exchange, 2015

This webinar presents how gender-based violence can constrain market access and hence limit the impact of markets systems programmes.

Finance and technology

Blockchain 101

Blockchain 101: What is it and how can it empower women?, SEEP, 2019

This webinar provides an overview of blockchain and how it can be applied within WEE programming.

Catalysing impact through gender-smart investing

Catalysing impact through gender-smart investing, SEEP, 2019

This webinar provides an overview of gender-smart investing and shares related experiences and tools.

Feminist and gender-transformative financial inclusion

Feminist and gender-transformative financial inclusion, WED Lab, 2019

This webinar discusses challenges and opportunities for adopting gender-transformative approaches to financial inclusion.

Accelerating women's digital financial inclusion

Accelerating women’s digital financial inclusion, SEEP, 2018

This webinar explores how to address gender gaps in access to and use of digital technologies and financial services.

WEE through financial inclusion

Women’s economic empowerment through financial inclusion, IPA, 2017

This webinar considers how financial inclusion can empower women and how financial services can be best designed to address women’s needs.

Digital financial solutions to advance women's economic participation

Digitizing financial solutions to advance women’s economic participation, MarketLinks, 2016

This webinar discusses the benefits and challenges of digital payments and proposes how to expand them.

Decent work, social protection, and care

Understanding invisible labour in supply chains

Understanding Invisible Labour in Supply Chains: Impact, Opportunities, and Examples, Work and Opportunities for Women, 2020

This webinar looks at unpaid work and care in supply chains and how to address the issues they pose, particularly for women.

Why we care about care

Why we care about care – An introduction, UN Women Training Centre, 2017

This webinar discusses what care is, the factors contributing to the current unjust care system, and how to move towards a fairer system.

Men and equality in unpaid care

Men and equality in unpaid care, MenCare, 2016

This webinar discusses key global issues in unpaid care and strategies to increase men’s caregiving.

Facilitating WEE - tackling gender norms and unpaid care

Facilitating women’s economic empowerment: Tackling gender norms and unpaid care, BEAM Exchange, 2016

This webinar considers how gender norms influence WEE and how market systems programmes can address unpaid care.

Social protection and the empowerment of rural women in Africa

Social protection and the empowerment of rural women in Africa, Socialprotection.org, 2016

This webinar explores social protection interventions targeted at rural women in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Empowering women - why quality jobs matter

Empowering women: Why quality jobs matter, SEEP, 2015

This webinar explores the gender dimensions of wage work and how market systems programming can better tackle this aspect of WEE.

Entrepreneurship development

Profiting from Parity

Profiting from parity: Unlocking the potential of women’s businesses in Africa, DCED, 2019

This webinar discusses the challenges women entrepreneurs in Africa face and puts forward solutions to address these challenges.

Engaging men and boys

What Do Men Have to Do with WEE?

What Do Men Have to Do with WEE? Lessons and Challenges, DCED, 2020

This webinar looks at men’s attitudes towards gender equality and shares insights on how they can be engaged as allies to achieve WEE.

Measuring gender and WEE results in PSD

WEE what we measure and why it matters

Women’s economic empowerment: What we measure and why it matters, WED Lab, 2019

This webinar covers research on measurement of WEE and discusses challenges, opportunities, and approaches.

Practical tips for measuring the impact of financial inclusion on WEE

Practical tips for measuring the impact of financial inclusion on women’s economic empowerment, FinDev Gateway, 2018

This webinar outlines the process of developing measurement instruments and highlights examples of indicators for financial inclusion.

WEE practical tools for gender-responsive poverty measurement

Women’s economic empowerment: Practical tools for gender-responsive poverty measurement, SEEP, 2018

This webinar introduces three poverty measurement tools and discusses their strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications.

PSD programme case studies highlighting impacts across different empowerment dimensions

What works to empower women economically - new findings and a policy conversation

What works to empower women economically: New findings and a policy conversation, CGD, 2019

This webinar discusses the findings from projects providing access to mobile savings and training to women small business owners.

Cross-country perspectives on gender norms

Cross-country perspectives on gender norms, ALIGN, 2018

This webinar highlights the impact, challenges, and lessons learned of five programmes designed to change gender norms.

A spoonful of sugar - promoting WEE through edutainment approaches

A spoonful of sugar: Promoting women’s economic empowerment through edutainment approaches, SEEP, 2018

This webinar shares good practices and lessons learned from ‘edutainment’ campaigns to promote WEE.