Women's Economic Empowerment

Welcome to the Women's Economic Empowerment Gateway

The place to help you find the right resources to increase your knowledge about implementing private sector development (PSD) programmes in a gender-sensitive way to promote women’s economic empowerment (WEE).

Let's get started!

What can we help you with?

I want to better understand the definitions and why WEE is relevant for my work

I want support in implementing WEE in private sector development programmes

I want to learn from existing case studies

I am looking for the right resources to help me better integrate WEE concepts in my work

About this platform

The Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Gateway is designed and developed by the DCED WEE Working Group.

Private Sector Development (PSD) represents a powerful way to address gender inequalities and empower women both economically and socially. At the same time, engaging women in productive employment can have economy-wide benefits. The DCED Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Group (WEE WG) aims to harness knowledge and experience among DCED member agencies and PSD practitioners on how to integrate gender and WEE considerations more strategically and effectively into their work. As such, the WEE WG aims to focus on PSD programmes that wish to improve the way in which they consider gender and WEE but lack the knowledge or tools to do so. A main way of operation of the working group is through knowledge exchange and dissemination of information on WEE-related issues.

The WEE Gateway is an interactive and highly practical platform that aims to contribute to the design and implementation of more effective gender sensitive, responsive and transformative PSD programmes in the field. See our page on definitions to find out how we define key phrases used throughout the WEE Gateway; gender exploitative, gender sensitive, gender positive and gender transformative.

This platform is aimed to specifically support project design teams of PSD programmes, however anyone interested in designing and implementing gender sensitive programmes and projects or with a specific focus on women’s economic empowerment will hopefully gain knowledge and feel better equipped to start incorporating gender and WEE in their own projects.

The gateway is designed to be useful for all levels of expertise, it gives multiple resources to better understand the different concepts and provides detailed information for each step of the design and implementation process. Moreover, the gateway offers an extensive resource library with both written as well as audio-visual pieces, with clear filters to ensure you are able to find the right resource for your interest and to the point summaries to safe time.

Find out more about the DCED WEE Working Group
     – Overview of the group’s recent work
     – Contact the DCED Secretariat with any questions