The DCED Evidence Framework organises robust research on results in private sector development (PSD) based on the logic by which programmes typically expect to achieve pro-poor impacts. It is designed as a ‘clickable’ results chain that signposts key evidence for each step in the logic. Syntheses of available evidence on different types of PSD approaches are listed at the bottom of this page.
For resources focusing on the impact of market systems development programmes, see the Evidence Map of the BEAM Exchange. For more details on where to find what you need, go to the full comparison of BEAM’s and DCED’s evidence resources.
The Evidence Framework: Click through evidence on PSD at output, outcome and impact level
The results chain below organises available evidence on three different types of PSD approaches. To view the available evidence for each link in the results chain, click on the blue arrows.
Please note that the graphic is not available for Mobile Phone displays, however you can click on the respective links in the right hand menu. The links currently only work in Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Opera.
Syntheses of evidence on specific types of interventions
- Private Sector Engagement Evidence Gap Map, USAID, 2020 (regularly updated).
- Business Registration: What do we know about the effectiveness of business registration support and reforms? Key studies referenced in the DCED Evidence Framework (v. April 2017)
- Business environment reform and poverty: rapid evidence assessment, DFID, 2015. The findings of this Rapid Evidence Assessment suggest that BER contributes to poverty reduction principally due to indirect effects, such as by changing the behaviour of private firms. This paper explores these indirect effects of business environment reforms on poverty in detail.
- Business Environment Reform and Investment Promotion and Facilitation: Rapid Evidence Assessment, DFID, 2015. This Rapid Evidence Assessment addresses two topics: the impact of business environment reform on investment and the effectiveness of linking business environment reform and investment facilitation and promotion services.
- Management practices in the private sector: A summary of IGC research, September 2019. Summarises the last ten years of IGC research on the links between improving management practices and productivity in developing countries.
- Business Management Training: What do we know about the effectiveness of Business Management Training? Key studies referenced in the DCED Evidence Framework (v. October 2019)
- Raising Agricultural Productivity: Topic Guide on Agricultural Productivity, by Peter Hazell, Evidence on Demand, 2014. This guide provides an overview of the ways in which agricultural productivity has been successfully raised in developing countries, and of the social, economic and environmental consequences. It draws on the available evidence base, and highlights areas where important knowledge gaps still remain.