This page focuses on medium- to longer-term economic recovery in the context of COVID-19 (see also this summary of donor strategies). Short-term adjustments of PSD programmes, are reviewed here.
Global analyses
- Going for Growth 2021: Shaping a vibrant recovery, OECD, 2021
- Fostering Economic Resilience in a world of open and integrated markets. Risks, vulnerabilities and areas for policy action, OECD, 2021
- The next normal arrives: Trends that will define 2021 and beyond, McKinsey, 2021
- The Global Competitiveness Report: How countries are performing on the road to recovery, World Economic Forum, 2020
Regional analyses
- Structural Transformation, Economic Development and Industrialization in Post-Covid-19 Africa, INET, January 2021
- Re-imagining ASEAN in the wake of COVID-19, McKinsey, September 2020
- Policies for Building Resilient Economies in Post-COVID-19 Africa, AfDB, September 2020.
Donor strategies
- Lessons Learned on the Role of Business Regulation in Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, DCED, April 2021
- Emerging economic recovery and resilience strategies by DCED member agencies, DCED Synthesis Note, October 2020.
1. Enabling companies to survive and thrive
- Lessons Learned on the Role of Business Regulation in Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, DCED, March 2021
- How firms are responding and adapting during COVID-19 and recovery. Opportunities for accelerated inclusion in emerging markets, IFC, March 2021
- Covid-19 Economic Recovery: Fiscal stimulus choices for lower-income countries, ODI, October 2020
- Building Long Term Business Resilience: Learning lessons from COVID-19, WBCSD, September 2020
- Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises and the Post COVID-19 Rapid Response, Policy Brief, ILO, July 2020
- Supporting Businesses and Investors A Phased Approach of Investment Climate Policy Responses to COVID-19, The World Bank, June 2020
- Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Guidance for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), UNIDO, June 2020

2. Promoting a green recovery
For general advice and experiences on the theme, please refer to the DCED’s knowledge page on Green Growth.
- The Green Renaissance: How to rebuild the global economy, PAGE UN CC:Learn, 2021 (podcast series)
- Green Recovery for Practitioners: Setting the Course Towards a Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Transformation, E3G/GIZ December 2020.
- Platform for Redesign 2020 (lists country-specific information on policies and initiatives for promoting a sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19)
- Nature hires: How nature-based solutions can power a green jobs recovery, WWF & ILO, October 2020
- The impact of COVID-19 on climate change and disaster resilience funding. Trends and signals, ODI, October 2020.
- Making the green recovery work for income, jobs and growth, OECD, October 2020
- COVID-19 Recovery: A pathway to a low-carbon and resilient future, ADB, September 2020
- How Policymakers Can Help Achieve a Resilient Recovery with the Circular Economy, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, July 2020
- Using Private Sector Development to achieve a Green Recovery in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, DCED, May 2020

3. Accelerating digitalisation in developing economies
For general advice and experiences on the theme, please refer to the DCED’s Digitalisation and PSD knowledge page.
- Africa’s Development Dynamics 2021. Digital Transformation for Quality Jobs. Chapter 1: Digitalisation and jobs in Africa under COVID-19 and beyond, OECD, January 2021
- Rethinking the world of work, Devan & Ernst, December 2020
- COVID-19 and E-commerce: Impact on businesses and policy responses, UNCTAD, November 2020
- Harnessing Digital Technology for Africa’s Economic Recovery and Transformation, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, November 2020.
- How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point—and transformed business forever, McKinsey, October 2020
- Digital Trade in a post-pandemic data-driven economy, D. Ciuriak, October 2020
- Latin American Economic Outlook 2020: Digital Transformation for Building back Better, OECD, September 2020
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Disruptive Technology Adoption in Emerging Markets, IFC, September 2020
- EIIP Technical Brief: Using Digital Technologies in Employment-intensive Works, ILO, July 2020
- Africa’s digital solutions to tackle COVID-19, EIB, July 2020
- COVID-19 Implications & Responses. Digital transformation and industrial recovery, UNIDO, June 2020

- Maximizing sustainable agri-food supply chain opportunities to redress COVID-19 in developing countries, UNCTAD, December 2020
- COVID-19 and the unexpected recovery of regional trade in East Africa, The Brookings Institution, September 2020
- Supporting suppliers and building more resilient supply chains. COVID-19 resources, Principles for Responsible Investment, September 2020
- Do more diversified suppliers rebound faster than concentrated suppliers in times of shocks? Insights from Kenya, UNU-WIDER, August 2020

5. Tackling growing gender inequality
For general advice and experiences on the theme, please refer to the DCED’s knowledge page on Women’s Economic Empowerment.
- Donor Responses for Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment During COVID-19, DCED, November 2021
- Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in the COVID-19 Context. Full working paper and Brief, CGD, April 2021
- In Focus: Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response, UN Women, 2021 (updated regularly)
- The COVID-19 Gender and Development Initiative, CGD, 2021 (updated regularly)
- Bridging the Gap: Emerging private sector response and recovery measures for gender equality amid COVID-19, IFC, December 2020
- Response, Recovery and Prevention in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Developing Countries: Women and girls on the frontline, OECD, September 2020
- A gender-responsive employment recovery: Building back fairer, Policy Brief, ILO, July 2020

- DFAT Australia’s Business Partnerships Platform: launched calls for proposals for COVID-19 recovery partnerships, focusing on gender and green recovery
- DFAT Australia’s Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund: will help SMEs in the South-East Asian and Pacific region recover from the pandemic
- USAID’s Private Sector Engagement and Partnerships Fund: invites proposals of innovative private sector solutions to mitigate secondary impacts of COVID-19 in partners countries. Apply by May 30.
- FCDO UK’s Vulnerable Supply Chains Facility: co-finances workplace initiatives with major UK retailers in eight developing countries.
- Corruption and the coronavirus, Transparency International, April 2020
- Lessons from past crises– Insights for inclusive finance, CGAP, 2020 (scroll down to the relevant section)
- Recovering from the Ebola Crisis. Summary Report, UNDP, 2017
- Ebola and corruption, U4, 2015
Photo credits: Karen Kasmauski/USAID; World Bank/