DCED Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 3-6 June 2024

The DCED 2024 Annual Meeting took place in Washington, DC, 3-6 June 2024, hosted by USAID, the World Bank and IFC. Full Minutes are available here.

Working Groups met on 3 and 4 June. Minutes of individual WG meetings are being shared with WG members and on the respective WG webpages.

The Thematic Day on 5 June focused on The future of PSD at the nexus of green and digital transformations. 

The final day on 6 June offered space for member update presentations and the DCED Business Session. Member update presentations are being posted below as they become available.

Schedule of meetings

2-page provisional overview of all planned Working Group meetings and open sessions

Monday 3 June: Working Group meetings and open sessions

Tuesday 4 June: Working Group meetings and open sessions

Wednesday 5 June: Thematic Day on The future of Private Sector Development at the nexus of green and digital transformations (Agenda)

The future of PSD will be significantly shaped by climate change and the digitalisation of the global economy. This Thematic Day aimed to inspire and inform members, by showcasing current experiences, evidence and debates on how to manage risks and maximise economic opportunities linked to the green and digital transitions.

The Thematic Day was moderated by Kate Warren, Executive Editor and Executive Vice President of Devex.

Read our main take-aways for donor agencies from the dicussions here. Selected presentations, links and resources from the Thematic Day can be found below.

Session I: Setting the stage: Future trends shaping risks and opportunities for PSD at the nexus of green and digital transformation

AI and the future of work, Pei Chin Tay (Tony Blair Global Institute)

Useful reading by McKinsey on implications of climate change and the net-zero transition for developing countries:

Session II: Future-proofing business: Companies and entrepreneurs leading the green and digital transformation

Circular economy business model: Green Charcoal Briquettes in Sierra Leone, Alhassan Islam Tarawally

Open Cosmos 

We mean Business Coalition website and Survey Report on Small Business Climate Action: Barriers and Bridges

Session III A: Regional and international harmonization and cooperation for
green and sustainable investment 

Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement, Claudia Locatelli (WTO)

Country Perspective: Rwanda, Antoine Kajangwe (Ministry of Trade and Industry of Rwanda)

Session III B:  Enabling systemic solutions to climate
adaptation and mitigation: Perspectives from donor PSD programmes 

Lessons from Green MSD pilot interventions in Ghana, Steve Hartrich (ILO)

Circular entrepreneurship ecosystem promotion in Kenya and India, Patrick Obonyo (Ikea Foundation) and Chris Roe (EIT Climate KIC)

Session IV: Regulating tomorrow: Shaping the future of innovation for competitive and green growth 

Green Industrial Policy, Karin Wedig (GIZ)

Competition Law and Sustainability, Lukas Cavada (Austrial Federal Competition Authority)

Session VI: Regional experiences in Latin America and Africa: Barriers and opportunities in facilitating the green and digital transformations 

Circular Economy in Latin America – Challenge for Implementation, Manuel Albaladejo (UNIDO)

Driving Innovation for Nature and Climate, Yuri Soares (IDB Lab)

Digital Opportunities in African Businesses, Marcio Cruz (IFC)

Thursday 6 June: DCED Business Day (Agenda)

A half-day event, including member update presentations, and approval of the DCED Work plan and Budget

Member update presentations can be viewed below.