Women’s Economic Empowerment in Technical Assistance Programmes: Examples of good practice in PSD – GIZ (2016)

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GIZ, 2016 – 104 pages

The study aims to identify selected examples of good practice in terms of gender-specific approaches and instruments used in private sector development. It looks at the gender impacts achieved, presenting the lessons learned in an easily accessible form. Additionally, it describes the main concepts involved, the methodological approach taken and some key data on the countries selected. Finally, seven case studies are included that embrace a wide range of development approaches to achieve WEE.

Main success factors for successful PSD programmes include:

  • Taking a gender-specific perspective.
  • Adopting a systematic stance and approach.
  • Entering strategic partnerships, cooperation arrangements and coordination schemes with other donors.
  • Conducting studies and analyses as the basis for strategy development.
  • Ensuring the involvement (participation) of implementing partners at an early stage in the design and implementation of measures, and
  • Ensuring regular review of the strategies, processes, and partner structure.