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2019, WOW – 20 pages
This query supports the ability to influence the investment community by selecting and analysing a set of ‘Key Facts’ that support the case for WEE. Several “facts” on the status of WEE and gender gaps – or on the business or development opportunities of addressing gender gaps – are frequently cited. However, there is often limited understanding of the strength or breadth of evidence that lies behind them. This is a challenge for evidence-based policymaking and where data that is not robust is used, it risks undermining rather than strengthening the case for WEE. The key questions that this query answers are:
- What are the key facts and opportunities on WEE that would be of most interest to developing country investors and partners involved in entrepreneurship?
- What is the strength/breadth of that evidence base for these facts and opportunities?
This query focuses on four thematic areas:
- Creating better jobs and building skills for business performance and growth.
- Financial inclusion and women’s entrepreneurship.
- Expanding access to technology and infrastructure.
- Addressing legal and property rights and workplace discrimination and social norms.