A Summary on Gender-Responsive Green Growth

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2019, DCED – 1 page

The DCED developed a series of guidance sheets to support practitioners to integrate gender into green growth programming. Analysing existing green growth and gender programmes have informed the following key recommendations for practitioners including:

  • Provide technical advice to partners to ensure the development and implementation of gender-responsive national green growth and sector policies.
  • Commission national sex-disaggregated data on employment and entrepreneurship in green economy sector value chains and access to and usage of green finance.
  • Use gender criteria to inform the selection of specific green value chains (VC) for interventions and conduct a VC analysis of women and men’s roles in these chains.
  • Integrate content on gender and green growth in capacity building programmes.
  • Collaborate with green sector industry associations and their members.
  • Incorporate gender in the design and criteria for fund allocation.
  • Provide support to women and women’s groups’ engagement.

Measurement of Women’s Economic Empowerment – WOW (2020)

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2020, WOW – 54 pages

This Guidance Note identifies core indicators, principles, and recommendations for effective, consistent measurement of WEE. It includes a recognition that there is no universal set of indicators that will be appropriate for every project, in every sector and every context. To provide effective measurement and avoid negative unintended impacts, selection of indicators must follow on from a robust context-specific gender analysis to guide decision making about the measurable outcomes the programme is aiming to achieve. Principles for effective WEE measurement within economic development programming include:

  • Build programmes on strong context-specific gender analysis.
  • Develop a causal chain (logframe) and theory of change that is informed by an understanding of the context and previous experience with the same or similar interventions in similar settings.
  • Measure what matters to diverse women and girls and disaggregate measures accordingly.
  • Measure both economic and social outcomes.
  • Measure change at individual and household levels.
  • Measure access, control, and constraints.
  • Consider – and measure – risks and unintended effects.
  • Data collection choices matter.

Measuring WEE: A Compendium of Selected Tools – CGD (2020)

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2020, CGD – 120 pages

This compendium selects and reviews tools for measuring WEE (or disempowerment) grouped into 20 population monitoring tools and 15 monitoring and evaluation tools (M&E). The main objective is practical: helping readers both understand how different measurement tools are built and select among the most well-known and widely (cross-culturally) applicable tools for different purposes. The following basic questions help readers select which WEE measurement tool is a “good fit for your purpose”:

  • What is your desired objective? (Population monitoring or M&E)
  • What is your substantive focus? (e.g., gender equality, women’s legal rights, women’s empowerment in agriculture)
  • What specific dimensions of WEE interest you? (e.g., financial inclusion, land rights)
  • What population of women are you seeking to learn about? (Women globally, women entrepreneurs, women in Africa)

What level(s) of outcomes — direct, intermediate and/or final — interest you?

Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment in Private Sector Development: Guidelines for practitioners – DCED (2014)

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2014, DCED – 60 pages

This guideline provides suggestions on the measurement of WEE in private sector development (PSD) programmes, including the measurement of household results. It aims to:

  • Provide practical advice to practitioners seeking to measure WEE in PSD programming;
  • Document how to make each aspect of results measurement more gender-responsive;
  • Highlight important issues in results measurement for practitioners focused on WEE, paying particular attention to measuring household-level changes.

How to Integrate Gender & Women’s Economic Empowerment into Private Sector Development – DCED (2017)

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2017, DCED – 45 pages

This paper seeks to provide Private Sector Development programmes aspiring to ‘do more on WEE’ but struggling to know where to start, ‘step up’ the gender-responsiveness of their programme by providing:

  • Concise, practical guidance on how to incorporate WEE into programme delivery and Monitoring and Results Measurement systems. This guidance is organised into ‘WEE reflection points’, and structured according to the 7 elements of the DCED’s popular Standard for Results Measurement;
  • Links to the best proven and practical tools and resources available;
  • Real programme examples and case studies.

A Practical Guide to Measuring Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in Impact Evaluations – JPAL (2018)

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2018, JPAL – 52 pages

This practical guide can help provide researchers and practitioners with the tools to select or develop their own indicators of empowerment that are right for their impact evaluations. It emphasises the importance of conducting in-depth formative research to understand gender dynamics in the specific context before starting an evaluation, developing locally tailored indicators to complement internationally standardised ones, and reducing the potential for reporting bias in instruments and data collection plans. Instead of providing a single set of ready-to-go survey instruments, a process for developing indicators appropriate to each study is outlined along with extensive examples. Additionally, the guide highlights key challenges for measuring empowerment:

  • measuring people’s ability to make important life choices is challenging because we rarely observe decision-making directly.
  • empowerment is a process.
  • many aspects of empowerment are susceptible to reporting bias.
  • empowerment means different things in different contexts.
  • prioritizing outcome measures is difficult.
  • measuring women’s preferences is challenging in contexts where women have internalised society’s views.
  • disempowerment can heighten data collection challenges.

How to Mainstream Gender in Project Cycle Management – SDC (2018)

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2018, SDC – 7 pages

This is a practical ‘How to’ guide focusing on mainstreaming gender in the programme or project cycle management. Applying a gender lens in the project cycle means taking into account power, risk, and exclusion dynamics from the outset. This deepens understanding of endogenous social processes and of the context where the project will intervene in. It also helps to mitigate exacerbating or creating new conflicts and gaps, while promoting do no harm. The guide includes helpful questions and tools for every step of the project cycle.

Guide to Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming the Project Cycle – UNIDO (2021)

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2021, UNIDO Gender – 64 pages

This practical Gender Mainstreaming Guide and Toolkit provides guidance, entry points and concrete recommendations for technical personnel and Gender Focal Points working on UNIDO projects and programmes as well as for implementing partners and stakeholders. It aims to facilitate the effective and efficient integration of gender considerations throughout the entire project/ programme cycle, with a particular focus on gender analysis tools to support the important stage of project design.

AWEF Practitioner Learning Brief – Working with the Private Sector to Empower Women: What to measure and how to build the business case for change

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2019, AWEF – 54 pages

There is a related SEEP webinar: Working with the Private Sector to Empower Women: How to Build the Business Case for Change

This brief brings together learning and practice on how to develop a robust business case, which demonstrates the commercial and financial value of adopting new gender-sensitive business practices to private sector partners. It presents a range of business frameworks, approaches, tools, data, and metrics that can be used to build the business case of investing in WEE. Furthermore, a process map on what practitioners need to consider when selecting frameworks and indicators is included too.

Main takeaways:

  • There is no blueprint or right way to make the business case for WEE. The approach must be pragmatic, relevant, and tailored to the country context, to the constraints facing women, the sector in question and the specific interests of private sector partners.
  • Whilst there is a range of guidance and information on principles and approaches that can be used for business case development, they are often not sufficiently tailored to WEE focused interventions. They also rarely distinguish between the role of women as workers, consumers and suppliers, or producers.
  • The report finds that the key to success is for practitioners to understand what stops women from participating in markets, to effectively “sell” the benefits of innovations and to encourage private sector partners to test and change their business practices so that they are more inclusive of women.